His Excellency Bishop Joseph Pfeiffer

His Excellency Bishop Joseph Pfeiffer

Padre Hurtado

Padre Hurtado

Padre José Ramirez Hurtado +

Padre Hurtado died in an automobile accident in November, 1981. He was Pastor of his Parish, and Vicar for the Hispanic. He also was an Exorcist Priest. Please pray a Hail Mary for his soul.

Padre Hurtado murió en un accidente de tráfico en Noviembre de 1981. Fue Pastor de su parroquia, y el Vicario para la Hispana. Él también era un Sacerdote Exorcista. Por favor, rezar un Ave María por su alma.

Prayer for Priests

O Jesus, I pray for Your faithful and fervent priests, for Your unfaithful and tepid priests; for Your priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for Your tempted priests; for Your lonely and desolate priests; for Your young priests; for Your dying priests; for the souls of Your priests in purgatory.

But above all I recommend to You the priests dearest to me: the priest who baptized me; the priest who absolved me from my sins; the priest at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Your Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way. Jesus, keep them all close to Your heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen.



La cospirazione è iniziata sulla prima pagina delle sacre scritture quando Satana cospira per saccheggiare il progetto provvidenziale della disposizione di Dio per la razza umana. Ora la cospirazione ha una fonte latina e significa nel suo significato originale "Spiro" respiro. "Con" è la trasformazione inglese di "Cum" che significa con. Ora, quando respiri con qualcuno significa che sei identificato con lui; siete vicini o in armonia, ma significa proprio uno che bisbiglia all'altro con il volume di un solo respiro. Quindi, questo è il significato più lontano della cospirazione. Persone una nella mente e nel cuore, unificate completamente in armonia, con lo stesso scopo e gli stessi obiettivi per raggiungere quell'obiettivo e facendo tutto con il massimo sussurro. Ciò significa la massima segretezza. La cospirazione è molto vecchia, inizia con il tempo. Inizia con la creazione degli angeli. Ora gli Angeli, a differenza degli esseri umani, avevano la libertà al passato, non hanno libertà oggi. Dio li ha creati come spiriti puri e, a differenza di noi, che ci chiamiamo esseri umani, esercitiamo la libertà dal primo momento della ragione fino a quel momento in cui Dio ci chiama per il giudizio eterno. Ma gli Angeli per loro natura sono così costituiti da Dio Onnipotente che una volta e per sempre inalterabili si sottometteranno ferocemente alla volontà di Dio o resisteranno. Ora tu ed io possiamo resistere alla volontà di Dio opponendo la nostra volontà alla sua e gli Angeli avevano quella stessa libertà. Ma poiché siamo così fragili, Dio ci permette, se dovessimo fallire, di risorgere nel pentimento, e ancora e ancora per tutta la vita. Non così con gli angeli. Dalla loro totale conoscenza, dalla perfezione della loro consapevolezza; e da quell'inesorabile fierezza di quel sì a Dio o no, erano fissati a non cambiare mai più secondo la loro stessa natura. 


The conspiracy began on the first page of sacred scripture when Satan conspires to plunder the providential design of God's arrangement for the human race.

The Sacraments

The Sacraments

I.      The Sacrament of Baptism

II.     The Sacrament of Confirmation

III.    The Sacrament of the Eucharist

IV.    The Sacrament of Penance

V.     The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

VI.    The Sacrament of Holy Orders

VII.    The Sacrament of Matrimony

THE SACRAMENTSA Divine Sense of Humor

No one can ever understand the sacraments unless he has what might be called a "divine sense of humor." A person is said to have a sense of humor if he can "see through" things; one lacks a sense of humor if he cannot "see through" things. No one has ever laughed at a pun who did not see in the one word a twofold meaning. To materialists this world is opaque like a curtain; nothing can be seen through it. A mountain is just a mountain, a sunset just a sunset; but to poets, artists, and saints, the world is transparent like a window pane—it tells of something beyond; for example, a mountain tells of the Power of God, the sunset of His Beauty, and the snowflake of His Purity.

The Evil Roots of Same Sex 'Marriage'

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My son, will you pray for me?

No one prays for me because I died in great peace, with a reputation for holiness, and my dear sisters certainly believe me to be in Paradise, and do not pray for me. I am on the verge of Paradise, languishing of love; close to my Divine Spouse; this love is the engine of my joy and the cause of the pain that tortures me. The pain is our joy in Purgatory, it is the torment of love, of love sickness. You start to know Purgatory, but never completely experience its joys and its sorrows. Tell your brothers that their great joys on earth are nothing but wind and smoke, next to the sublime joys of Purgatory. The greatest happiness for a soul is in Heaven. It is the eternal bliss! But immediately afterwards, there is no greater joy than to savor the joys of Purgatory. And learn this: the closer we get to Heaven, the further our sorrows diminish, that our focus upon them disappear. This disease of love of God is known by us here on the verge of Paradise. Yes, speak of the punishments in Purgatory, but also speak of the joy unspeakable of one day obtaining heaven!

My son, will you pray for me?

please remember especially Madre Maria de San Jose Corral...


The Order of Melchisedech

The Order of Melchisedech 

A Sermon by St. Ambrose, A.D. 340-397

The Christian Sacraments are older than the Jewish. You have come to the altar of God, you have seen the sacraments placed there, and you wonder to see there a created thing; nevertheless it is a solemn and an unusual created thing. Someone has said perhaps: God showed great favor to the Jews. He rained manna on them from heaven (Exod. xvi. 15). What more has He given His own faithful; what more has He given to those to whom He promised more? 

The Tragedy of Modern Woman


The Tragedy of Modern Woman

If you want to take the measure of modern society in terms of human happiness, watch the faces of the women.

The female of our species is much more sensitive than the male to the things of the spirit, and whatever she feels, and is, will be written on her face after the age of 25 or 30. We are so fashion-conscious that we seldom even look at the soul of modern woman as revealed by her eyes and the lines of her face. In this way we miss observing that most American women, those emancipated and lovely ladies of commercial fiction, either cry themselves to sleep every night or are past giving way to the sorrow and frustration that encompasses them.

What Women Want